Fengzhou WANG


Research Engineer @Edinburgh

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Hello World ! Welcome to My Page ^^

I’m passionate about understanding the relationship between Art and STEM. By exploring and creating the different objectives, I hope to understand the world and myself better.

I have worked on from component to system level design including simulation and fabrciation for different applications:

(PHD project + Industry1[crover] + Industry2[i4pd] + Industry3[huawei] + insustry4[renesas])

- Environment Sensing: +  

- Localization using Ultrasound Unit: ++

- Energy Harvesting using e-peas: + 

- Image Processing using Matlab and Python

- Hardware Accelerator using Xilinx FPGA

- OpenRSIC and RSIC-V using Intel FPGA

- Low power FPGA using Hspice

- Robotic System Development using ROS

- Robotic Control using National Instrument RIO boards 

- Data Centralization using cloud service(AWS, Azure, Google, Oracle)

- Data Acquisition using wireless node(Wifi, LoRA and satellite Network)

- High-performance Computing using ARCHER Supercomputer

- Artificial Interestlligence using TPU

For more details see Google Scholar.

Technical Skills

I support both commerical and open-source tools and use different tools for different purpose. I wonder to build my own lanugage and tools to build better communciation between human to machince and understand the world better.

Purpose Tools
Other Tools Salesforce; Lucidchart; Notion
Cloud service AWS Google Cloud; ARCHER HPC
OS Windows; MacOS; Linux; Android; ROS
EDA Microwave Studio, Cadence, Hspice/Ltspice/Pspice
Media Adobe
Documents Latex; Office; EndNote; GraphPad
FPGA Altera; Xilinx
uC PIC; Arduino
Coding Python; C; Verilog; Spice

Interesting and Habits

Football Drawing and Photoing Music

Professional Experiences

Google Programming

Education Experiences

I have published some papers to make a contribution to wearable electric design for healthcare applications. I wonder to make a contribution to save the life and make life better.

Academic Degree University
Doctor of Philosophy University of Edinburgh
Master of Science University of Southampton
Bachelor of Engineering Birmingham City University

Support or Contact

I am a IET/IEEE young professional and STEM ambassador in Edinburgh who helps to promote the engineer development in the community.